Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Quickway 3 Grammar


The term phrasal verb refers to a verb and a preposition which together have a special meaning.
For example, to take off means:
(1) to remove clothing;
(2) to leave on a trip.
Phrasal verbs are also called two-word verbs or three-word verbs.

There are two types of phrasal verbs:

With a separable phrasal verb, a noun may come either between the verb and the preposition or after the preposition as in this example:

I put my jacket on or I put on my jacket.

BUT if we replace the noun by a pronoun (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) like in this example:
(my jacket --->it ), the pronoun always comes between the verb and the preposition.

I put it on.
(NOT: I put on it )

With a nonseparable phrasal verb, a noun or pronoun must follow the preposition as in this example:

I always get off the bus near the pharmacy.
(NOT: I always get the bus off or I always get it off)

Practice your phrasal verbs here

For more details, click the relevant link under 'Useful Links'


Dennis said...

Salaam, Karim.

I was honored to see the phrasal verb collection at Dave's ESL Cafe as one of your links. I made those materials many years ago. When they were first put online, they were the only phrasal verb collection on the Web. Now, of course, there are many more.

I'll tell you something interesting about my PV materials. I compiled the list by going through the alphabet and noting phrasal verbs beginning with each letter; my only reference was what was "in my head." I assembled the materials that way because I didn't want to be accused of plagiarizing from phrasal verb dictionaries, textbook lists, and so on.

Again, thank you for linking to my materials!

Ma'a al-salaama!

Dennis in Phoenix

Unknown said...

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